Here are 3 instant sales ideas for you to sell more now.
1. Live within your means. Don’t buy the foolish thinking that more stuff will make you happy. When you start to acquire stuff that you can’t afford you start down a path that might lead to becoming a desperate salesperson. Nothing causes a sale to fail faster than desperation.
How do you avoid participating in the stuff competition? Build relationships with real people, not Facebook friends who only make you feel worse for seeing their vacation photos and brag shots. Stop comparing yourself to others. Surround yourself with people who make you feel comfortable, not those who make you feel like you need more stuff to be an equal. You will never be a desperate salesman if you live within your means.
2. Surround yourself with positive people. Selling is hard enough. It’s going to be even harder to sell with enthusiasm if you have to come home to a Debbie Downer every day. What do you do if you’re already stuck with one? You can say what the wife of one of my wonderful bosses said. A real downer who complained about everything was even complaining at the company Christmas party. She put her hand up and said, “Jim, I’m not taking any complaints today.” I’ve told these wet blankets who “had to say something to me” even if it hurt me, “If it’s going to hurt me, tell someone else.” You don’t have to listen to negative people who kill your spirit.
3. Get organized. There’s nothing worse than having to work while being a disorganized mess. Every day you have to look at that mess. It’s like feeding your brain junk food. Instead of saying once a year I’ll clean off my desk, why not do it on an ongoing basis? Put away the stuff you don’t need to use every day. Clean off your desk! Throw out what you can Google in a millisecond!
It’s liberating to have a clean desk. Out of sight is not out of mind. Just know where you have filed what you need to retrieve later. I promise you that when you work in a neater environment, the clutter free atmosphere will transfer to a clutter free mind. You’ll come up with better sales strategies and get better sales results.
The other part of being organized is examining your sale process so you can easily replicate parts of it. What are you repeating again and again? Don’t start from scratch. Make your process easy to reproduce. For example, if you submit proposals you will need a section of proof of what you deliver. Ask your customers to state the results they’ve achieved by working with you. Gather those customer testimonials and incorporate them into your proposals. You can customize the comments to match the prospect’s industry, job title, or result delivered when you have enough testimonials. Your proposals will be easier to assemble because the components are already written.
Best wishes for your sales success!