You may already be a sales success. Did you do it alone? It’s far easier when other people help you succeed than if you do all the work yourself. Here are some people who you should select or avoid to ensure your sales success. You can pick the right people to sell more. Pick the right people to learn from. Great salespeople are always learning. They are learning … [Read more...]
Get Ready, Get Set, GO for a Great 2025 in Sales!
You’re probably still thinking about having a stellar selling year. And why not? Most new year resolutions haven’t gone by the wayside just yet. One way to be sure you are on track to have a great year is to have a plan. That plan will guide you to success. Here’s how you can have a great 2025 in sales. Do you have a plan for a great 2025 in sales? What’s your plan … [Read more...]
What Successful Salespeople Do Not Do
Goodbye 2024! Hello 2025. You may still be thinking about last year and the accounts you missed and the ones you gained. Last year is over. Now it’s time to think about 2025 and your sales for the new year. Why not start focusing this year on what successful people do not do? What successful salespeople do not do: Ruminate on their past. I’ve seen too many unsuccessful … [Read more...]
Do better next year. (Next year will change.)
You may be celebrating a great year or mourning a poor one. Now is the time with the year winding down to think about and prepare for next year. You want to do better next year and trust me. Next year, it will be different. Next year will change. Why will next year be different? You have probably noticed that nothing stays the same. Companies get bought and sold. … [Read more...]
Holiday Parties Are Different for Sales Professionals
What are you doing this Friday or Saturday night? Like many sales and business professionals you are heading to a holiday party. Are you looking forward to the free food and booze? Are you even thinking this is a party? Holiday parties are different for sales professionals. Think of the event as another sales call and this time, you are the product. Whether you realize it … [Read more...]
Sales Prevention Department
You have more competition to make a sale than you think. You probably know your competitors can take business from you. There are others in business who can prevent you from making the sale. I call these people members of the Sales Prevention Department. They are different people depending on your particular selling situation. Do you know who are in your Sales Prevention … [Read more...]
No risk. No reward in Sales
You’ve probably heard the saying “No risk. No reward.” It applies to selling. What happens if you are uncomfortable with risk? It’s time to address your discomfort because in sales, no risk means there is no reward or at least it is far less likely. What is risk? Risk refers to the degree of uncertainty and/or potential financial loss inherent in business. Another … [Read more...]
After You Make the Sale. Now What?
You may think once you’ve made the sale that the hard part is over. You are mistaken. The work has just begun. You can make your sales work simpler by considering what you do next. Here is a plan to work on your business after you make the sale. Keep it simple. When I look at the choices to make, I always prefer the one that is simplest to get the job done. I once … [Read more...]
A Good Mistake Can Help You Sell
You don’t have to be an athlete to make a good mistake. Let’s say you have great technique hitting a tennis ball. You pull the racket back with the right grip, swing and the ball still hits the tape and doesn’t go over. Your coach tells you that’s a good mistake that will help your game. Just like tennis, a good mistake can help you sell. What is a good mistake? A good … [Read more...]
What If? is a Sales Question for You
Your customers have questions for you. They want to know about your product specifications, your delivery capabilities, or your proof of performance. Successful salespeople can answer these questions and customers then buy. What about the questions you should ask yourself? What a very important sales question for you. What if I lose my largest customer… I once … [Read more...]