“I want individualized sales coaching to increase sales that is customized for my sales process and business needs.”
- Do you need a push to help you get going?
- Are you starting a new job and want to maximize your performance?
- Are you new to sales?
- Do you find the sales process overwhelming or frustrating?
- Do you want to create more effective ways of working with particular people?
- Do you have important customers that are difficult to work with?
- Are you looking for a mentor to guide you along your chosen career path?
- Do you have problems with your employees?
- Do you feel that you’re being left behind in your career path?
- Is it stressful working with your manager?
Best@Selling Clients Comment on Their Sales Coaching Results
Thank you for your help. Just that little bit of coaching has helped in the phone calls since. Of course, I still have a long way to go, but one successful step at a time is how I will get there!
-FACS Facility Services, Inc.
Richardson, Texas
Want to increase your sales? Call 972 380 0200 or complete the form below. Corporate rates are $200/ hour or on a project basis. Small Business rates are $150/hour.
Your selling strategy is key whether you are selling your subordinates on the idea of working more effectively, you sell a product or you have to sell your manager on a promotion.
Practicing new skills in a safe environment is the best way to develop new skills. Before you work with your customers, get the coaching to maximize your selling strengths and minimize your communication weaknesses.
Previous clients have gotten results that got them the sales results they wanted:
“As a result of your work, I have been able to shorten my sales cycle with my customers. You showed me how to create the strategy for a customer meeting so that it focuses on the sales process. I can avoid wasting time on prospects that are less likely to be customers.”
Susan Boze, RPA
Vice President of Business Development
Entrust One
“You have also taught me a great questioning strategy for every account. I can now get past price and get deeper into a business than before. This has not only given me more confidence when I walk into a prospect, but it has shortened my sales cycle. I have seen a better return on my time with each customer since we have worked together. I would recommend your one on one training program to any sales person. Thank you for the time that you spent asking me the tough questions and helping me formulate the tough questions for prospects to answer.”
Jordan Dale
Account Manager
Western Marketing, Inc.
Maura Schreier-Fleming is an intuitive coach who can lead you to develop or improve the selling skills you need to achieve your sales goals and business objectives. Maura will work with you and develop personal coaching strategies so that you can achieve your goals. This is a strategic focus starting from identifying your strengths and developing the skills and strategies you need to move to where you want to be in business. Strategic Coaching starts with an identification of your strengths. The Extended DiSC® assessment identifies both your strengths and challenges at work. Once you identify your strengths, you can select the tasks that leverage your strengths. Once you identify your challenges, you can focus on improvement. You can then develop more effective sales presentations, selling strategies that customize your selling message. With this strategic approach, you will certainly see more successful results in your selling.
Your strategy will depend on your style strengths. Working with the Extended DISC analysis, you can leverage your strengths, minimize your weaknesses and be much more effective managing, selling or participating on a team. Learn more about Extended Disc Surveys.
You can take the assessment on line (Enter your access code which is USA-Bestatselling) and we can begin to work on the areas that you want to improve. The fee to get your Extended Disc results is $50. Purchase the assessment
How will we work together? It’s your choice. Phone, e-mail, or face-to-face are your options.
Are you ready to more easily achieve your business objectives?
- Do you have interest?
- Are you committed to take action?
- Do you want more?
- Do you enjoy selling and want to get better results?
- Do you recognize that selling does require skills to sell more effectively?
If you have answered YES to these questions…
Yes, I would like to find out more about a DiSC analysis for me or my sales team.
Sign up for Strategic Coaching… INVEST in yourself.