I find that keeping things simple keeps the stress down. That rule applies to selling. Here are some simple ideas that will also help you sell more. 1. Sell to the easy prospects. You might have many different types of prospects like most salespeople. You may also find once you do the analysis that it’s easier to sell to some prospects over others. I recently met with a … [Read more...]
Sales Strategy: Think About How You Buy When You Sell
Think about how you buy the next time you sell. I recently became a buyer to make two major home renovation projects. You want to make the best buying decision when you’re spending tens of thousands of dollars. Here’s where a few salespeople went wrong with their sales strategy. Too much personal information. I’m looking for a contractor, not a new best friend. I don’t want to … [Read more...]
What selling strategies will make me successful this year?
Unless you plan to win the lottery this year, you’ve got some selling work to do to be successful. I don’t play the lottery. I would much rather bet on myself. How about you? Here are 3 selling strategies for you to be successful in sales this year. Selling Strategy 1. Do you know what you’re supposed to do? I just learned something very surprising from a management … [Read more...]
Ideal Prospects & Buying Decisions: April 2014
The Selling Quote for the Month “I will play Stockhausen only on two conditions. One, there will be no rehearsal and two, the performance is conducted at gunpoint." -Flautist James Galway on his contempt for avant-garde composers For Salespeople... Galway is pretty clear on what he doesn't want to do. I see a lot of salespeople who lack that same clarity for what … [Read more...]
Mentors & Selling Strategy: March 2014
The Selling Quote for the Month “To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.” -Chinese Proverb For Salespeople... It’s time to for salespeople to get lazy. How? You follow this proverb. The next time you have to develop a sales strategy why not talk with someone who has already experienced your situation or one similar? You don’t have to spend countless hours … [Read more...]
Is Your Competition Beating You in Selling?
Don’t compare yourself to others. Have you ever heard that advice? Well, it’s wrong. In sales you do want to compare yourself to others. That is if you want to get better. So look around at the best salespeople. What are they doing better than you are? I recently met with a successful insurance professional. He said he noticed that the best in his industry were speaking to … [Read more...]
Did you forget about your most important customer?
I often marvel how salespeople spend so much time managing their customers. They will prioritize them by size, revenue, profits and all types of criteria to see where they should be spending their time and effort. Of course that's a good idea. What they're forgetting is that they have another very important customer. It's their manager. Even if you're on commission, your … [Read more...]
Do Prospects Hit the Delete Key With Your Voicemail When You Sell?
There are just a few reasons why you're not getting a meeting with a prospect. Are you giving them a compelling reason to meet? Do you sound credible? Do they have a reason to believe you can deliver what you say? If your voicemail is irrelevant to their business get ready for the delete button on their voicemail. If you sound hesitant, too cocky, too meek, or unprofessional … [Read more...]
Sell more by selling to the right prospects
Here's how I know someone is not going to make their sales goals. I ask them to describe an ideal prospect. Their response? Everyone is a prospect! Wrong. Everyone is not your prospect because you can't be all things to all customers. Here's how you can find the customers who you are most likely to sell to. … [Read more...]
Do you want to make your next prospecting call less stressful for you?
I often ask salespeople how they customize their selling. I get nervous when they say that they sell the same way to every prospect. Why? Because customers are different and they prefer you to be like they are, not necessarily how you are most comfortable. That's why the most flexible salespeople are the most successful. Here are some ideas to start with if you don't know how … [Read more...]