Most insurance agents sell insurance. The more successful ones sell security or peace of mind. One insurance salesperson sold more than 100 times as much insurance as other insurance salespeople. He sold even more than insurance, security or peace of mind. He sold tax shelters. He packaged insurance as one component in providing tax shelters to higher income customers. A floor care chemicals salesperson saw his products as more than just his chemicals and floor products. He became an expert on floor care methods and supervision of floor care staff. Product price was an issue in his business. Total costs were a bigger issue since labor costs far outweighed product costs. As a floor care expert he offered his information and consulting services to his customers. His customers bought his consulting and received his floor care products, too.
Sales champions sell more than products and services. They sell what their products and services do for their customers. These salespeople are creative about the possibilities of what their products can do. They respond creatively when asked what they do. Charles Revson, the Chairman of Revlon, was asked what he did. He replied, “In our factories we manufacture cosmetics. In the department stores we sell hope.” What do you sell once your products leave your factories?