You may be using LinkedIn for your sales prospecting. You may be using it to be found by customers. Either way, you may have wondered about the value of using endorsements. I’ve been noticing that along with people who knew my work, there were others who were endorsing me and I didn’t know them.
I did a search on the value of Endorsements.
If you want to be “found” on LinedIn you should be on the first page of the search results. Endorsements do influence rankings along with key words (what the person is using to search for you.)
Search results ARE dependent on being a first level connection. That means if I search for “sales consultant” on my LinkedIn page I’ll get different results than you would since we have different LinkedIn connections.
So, if you want to come up in an early page of someone’s search results, it’s REALLY IMPORTANT to be a first level connection. Beyond that, the number of times you’ve been endorsed for the key word MATTERS.
Here’s the link to the article I read:
Best wishes for your successful selling!