The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals April 2013 SALES QUOTE "Instant gratification takes too long." --Carrie Fisher For Salespeople... You just might want to rethink your selling strategy. With current technology and your customers' expectations. I work with salespeople and ask them how they're going to start the sales call. They mention that they have to warm up … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter March 2013
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals March 2013 SALES QUOTE "It is better to feed one cat than many mice." -Norwegian Proverb For Salespeople... Creating lazy salespeople is my focus this year. Lazy means doing the least to get the most. As this proverb describes, you can save yourself a lot of energy if the cat does the work for you. That kind of approach is … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter February 2013
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals February 2013 SALES QUOTE "The country is full of good coaches. What it takes to win is a bunch of interested players." -Don Coryell, NFL Football coach For Salespeople... So who are your prospects this year? Do you even have real prospects? I can tell when I work with salespeople when they don’t have true prospects. … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter January 2013
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals January 2013 SALES QUOTE �The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell." -Confucius For Salespeople... Who knew Confucius was a sales consultant? He’s right. Do you ever encounter those who cite endless data to kill your idea when you’re planning your selling … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter December 2012
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals December 2012 SALES QUOTE “The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year." -John Foster Dulles, Former Secretary of State For Salespeople... Sales especially is a profession that requires constant growth and development. Unless your … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter November 2012
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals November 2012 SALES QUOTE “Do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in a few." -Pythagoras For Salespeople... As you plan for your selling, think about how you can communicate your selling message in as few words as possible. Why? Because too many salespeople are in love with the sound of their voice and … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter October 2012
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals October 2012 SALES QUOTE “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” -Albert Einsten For Salespeople... Well, his curiosity seems to have worked out pretty well for Einstein. Don’t you think? Oddly enough because selling isn't relativity, I think curiosity is basically what you need to do well … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter September 2012
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals September 2012 SALES QUOTE “Do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in a few.” -Pythagoras From Monday Morning Sales Tips by Maura Schreier-Fleming For Salespeople... As you plan for your selling, think about how you can communicate your selling message in as few words as possible. Why? Because too … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter August 2012
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals August 2012 SALES QUOTE “The greatest problem in communication isthe illusion that it has been accomplished. -George Bernard Shaw From Monday Morning Sales Tips by Maura Schreier-Fleming For Salespeople... Logic alone has never persuaded anyone. If not, whyare almost one third of Americans obese? (Of coursethey know … [Read more...]
The Selling Newsletter July 2012
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals July 2012 SALES QUOTE “Slump? I ain't in no slump. I just ain't hittin.” Yogi Berra For Salespeople... It's July. Are you on track to make your sales goals this year? The first step to make your goals is to realize you have to do something different if your numbers are off. Maybe Yogi doesn't realize that he's not … [Read more...]