The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals
“The greatest problem in communication isthe illusion that it has been accomplished.
-George Bernard Shaw
From Monday Morning Sales Tips by Maura Schreier-Fleming
For Salespeople…
Logic alone has never persuaded anyone. If not, whyare almost one third of Americans obese? (Of coursethey know logically that Coca Cola for breakfast is nothealthy.) Yet, many sales professionals think that themore they present the technical aspects of theirproducts and services the more likely the customer willbuy. Forget it. Instead of an emphasis on just thetechnical aspects of your product, try to tap into yourcustomer’s emotions. What makes it painful for yourcustomers to do their jobs? Why would using yourproducts delight your customers? People thinklogically and act emotionally. When customers havegood feelings about your product, their emotionsmotivate them to buy. Your job is to ask the questionsto uncover these emotions. When you ask, there will be no illusion about your communication effectiveness.Your customer will buy
I’m now writing The Real Deal, a column on women in business for Hope you’ll read more ideas so you can achieve your success in business.
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Would Have Liked to Know That
What would you have liked to know early in your sales career that you found out much later? I was recently asked this question and thought back to many of the things I now know, but didn’t know earlier.
Get advance commitment. I was talking with several sales professionals and a common complaint is with what happens after the salesman delivers the proposal. What’s the complaint? Nothing happens. It’s not that the process moves slowly. It’s that with some customers they won’t give you an answer. Did they pick another supplier? Did they do nothing? Did they cancel the project? You never know because your phone calls aren’t returned and emails get no reply.
This should happen infrequently if your questioning strategy is good. Why? When you ask the right questions, you uncover customer concerns that the customer wants to address with a sense of urgency. That means you will get a response. So how do you prevent those sales processes that get derailed? When you present your proposal, make sure you talk about how you will be notified of the outcome. Determine the customer’s criteria for selection. If all else fails, you can go ask the secretary to get some specific information. At least there’s some chance that you’ll get an answer.
Don’t burn bridges. If you work for a large corporation, you see a lot of people moving up the corporate ladder. You also see a lot of people moving down. Some people move up, down and then up again. The person you had a major altercation with at one level can later become your boss. Watch how you disagree with other people. You can disagree politely with people. When the name calling starts, you’ve gone too far. Learn to control your emotions with people who tend to push your buttons. You may have a deep dislike for some people. Watch your actions. Try to be neutral instead of nasty. You might be very grateful that you held your tongue some day later on in your career.
This applies to customers, too. They move around. When you manage your relationships well you will find that your customers take you and your products with them when they move. I knew one very good sales professional who stayed in the oil business and moved to four distributors. Each time he took his business with him. He could. He was well respected. If you deliver bad service or treat a customer poorly, you will live to regret it when your customer moves to a prime prospect and they pick your competitor to serve them.
Pay Attention. I’ve made my share of mistakes. I would like to think that I’ve made different mistakes just once. You might be able to spare yourself even making those mistakes. Watch what other people do. When someone makes a mistake, learn the lesson without experiencing the pain. You’ve heard the expression to learn from your mistakes. What better way is there to learn than from other people’s mistakes?
Neils Bohr, the physicist, once said, “An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field.” Hopefully, with more experience your sales expertise improves. Knowing a few more mistakes to avoid will send you that much farther on your path to becoming a sales expert.
1. Review your sales questions to make sure you ask how you should follow up to learn the proposal outcome.
2. Who pushes your buttons at work? What’s your strategy to have a neutral response?
Social media can be a huge contributor to a company’s lead generation efforts in both B2B and B2C. But how efficient are the various different social channels in directly driving leads? In a recent study of over 5,000 businesses, HubSpot found that traffic from LinkedIn generated the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate at 2.74%, almost 3 times higher (277%) than both Twitter (.69%) and Facebook (.77%)
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::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Here are some selling tools to help you sell more now. Click on the photo to find out more!
Monday Morning Sales Tips : A book that has quick ideas for you to be more successful in sales. Real-World Selling: A book with selling skills and strategies that work in the real world of sales. Secrets of Persuasion: Audio CD for the clues to use to speed-read people and close more business.