How do you decide where to spend your time? You have lots of choices. Some choices will produce more sales and others just waste your time. Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine how to maximize your time. Spend your time to get results. Are you getting results? Many people believe networking can grow their business. Meeting with decision makers in … [Read more...]
Time Management for Sales: How Prospects Impact How You Spend Your Time in Sales
Great salespeople master time management to get the best results from their time. Sometimes the choices get tricky when you consider what you should do. You might waste your time when your prospect’s view of a deadline is different than yours. Here’s what you can consider to get the most out of your selling time. What does a deadline time mean? Just because you have a sense … [Read more...]
Really Good Idea for Time Crunched Salespeople
Do you ever wonder how some people look well-rested and relaxed? They seem to have more time for their work. It's not that they have other people do their work for them either. It's that they avoid the distractions and needless work that keeps them from being productive. I just read a book review of Deep Work by Cal Newport. Newport is a computer science professor at … [Read more...]
Time Management & Sales Strategy: Selling Newsletter January 2014
The Selling Newsletter for Sales Professionals January 2014 Sales Quote "Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." - -Carl Sandburg, poet For Salespeople... Carl certainly knew a thing or two about sales. Especially now that the year is new, … [Read more...]