What would you think about standing too close to a customer to make him uncomfortable? You would never do that, right? It’s just common sense that you don’t make a customer uncomfortable if you have any hope of him buying again.
Well, sometimes salespeople don’t realize that what they’re doing is wrong.
Just imagine you worked with a salesman for several months. You arrive at a meeting with a new haircut. Your friendly salesman says, “Nice haircut. Let me feel it.” Then he proceeds to touch your hair.
Did you gag?
I did when I heard this. Especially since the one with the haircut was female and the salesman was male. Yuck.
Don’t touch your customers! Some salespeople don’t realize they have a habit of touching the forearm of the people they’re talking to. It’s annoying, distracting, and unpleasant for the recipient. They’re less likely to buy if they’re a prospect.
So use your common sense when you sell. Sometimes, unfortunately, it’s just not that common.