I was talking with a banker yesterday. He told me something alarming about bankers and why they don’t sell more. I was kind of surprised at what he told me. Why do you think bankers don’t sell? He said, “90% of the bankers don’t ask for the business. They present their deal and then they wait for the customer to figure out that he should buy. It doesn’t happen.”
Is that you? Do you think that customers can read your mind? They can’t. Let me help you increase your sales (and if you’re a banker please read on). There are 10 words to remember the next time you are selling.
Some salespeople don’t know when to say these words. Here’s when you say the 10 words. It’s when you are talking with a customer and you learn at least 3 reasons why you should be working with them. Working with them means they should buy something from you so they can reduce a cost, avoid a cost or make more money. When you know why they should buy from you, that’s when you say the 10 words.
Here are the 10 words. ”Sounds like there’s a reason for us to do business.” Now you’re telling your customer that you are ready for him to buy. You’ll probably hear, “Yes, I agree.” When you do, continue with, “When should we begin?”
Do you see why these 10 words will help you sell? You’ve told the customer what you expect him to do. Some customers need to be guided—especially the ones who can’t read your mind. It’s your job if you’re in sales to show your customers when they should buy. You have nothing to sell if you can’t uncover 3 key reasons for your customers to want and need your products. That’s why you say those words after you’ve uncovered the reasons to buy.
I want you to increase your sales. With these 10 words you will. At least your customers will know when to buy.
Best wishes for your selling success!