The Selling Newsletter
The Selling Newsletter
from Best@Selling
A free monthly newsletter of ideas to help make your selling easier.
Selling is the easiest job in the world…Just ask anyone who is NOT in sales! Best wishes for YOUR successful selling—Maura
This issue contains:
-The Selling Quote for the Month
-Upcoming Programs
-The Selling Ideas for the Month
-Action Items
-Selling Tips
-To Subscribe to the Selling Newsletter
-Need an article for your newsletter?
-About Maura Schreier-Fleming
-Contact Information
The Selling Quote for the Month
“I am the world’s worst salesman, therefore, I must make it easy for people to buy.” –F. W. Woolworth, founder of Woolworth’s, 1852-1919.
I recently spoke at a conference with sales managers. One of the points I made was it was their job to make it easier for their salespeople to sell. Their customers are their salespeople and it makes no sense to make it more difficult for salespeople to accomplish their goals. It also makes no sense to make it harder for your customers to buy. What are you doing to simplify their buying from your company? Do you even know the challenges they face working with you and your company? Make it a point to ask your customers what you can do to be easier to work with.You may be surprised at how easy it is to make it easier for your customers to buy.
Upcoming Programs
When : Monday, January 23-24
Where: Charlotte, NC
What: Meeting Professionals International
Secrets of Persuasion
Consultative Selling: Strategic Questioning
For more information:
When : Thursday, February 2
Where: Dallas, TX
What: SMU Continuing Education: SMU-in-Legacy Series
Topic: Creativity in Sales
For more information: 214-SMU-THINK
The Selling Ideas for this Month
New Year’s Sales Resolutions
Forget the resolutions for less food and more exercise. You can always make them later. How about some resolutions to help you sell that are free of calories and require no gym visits? You’ll be more motivated to keep them and they’ll be good for business.
1. I’ll think more this year. Have you ever noticed that action is more valued in selling than thinking about the action? Managers will measure numbers of sales calls, not the planning or research that went into the execution of the sales call. Thinking is as important to selling success as the actions we do in selling. Sales calls are more likely to succeed when you think and plan before the sales call. More thinking is needed not only before the sales call. It’s after the call as well. When you thoughtfully address what went well, you have the opportunity to repeat it. When you think and identify what went poorly you can fix it and avoid doing it again. You only get to learn from your failures when you’ve thought about them and uncovered what went wrong.
2. I’m going to listen more. The best salespeople simply are the best listeners. They listen with both their ears and eyes. That they listen more gets them more information that they can use to sell effectively. They notice facial expressions to tell them when their customer is concerned. They hear hesitation in a customer’s voice to notice a lack of commitment to a current supplier. They listen for reporting relationships to determine who has buying power and influence. When you combine listening more with listening better you’ll see how your selling gets better results.
3. I’m going to take better care of myself. A lot of salespeople remind me of mothers. They take care of everyone else and put themselves last on the list. What brings you joy? Is it reading, relaxing or do you even know? If you haven’t thought about this, see the first resolution. If you know what brings you joy, how many times this week are you doing what makes you happy? If you are too busy, start setting goals. Then learn to say no to anything that is outside your goals. The time you’ve saved is now for you to enjoy. You are as important as your customers. You are the only one who will take the time to care for you.
4. I’m going to stay away from energy vampires. Who are energy vampires? These are the people who can suck the joy out of anyone. When you make a tough sale, notice who shares your joy-and who does not. Why wouldn’t people be as happy for you as they would be for themselves? Because they’re energy vampires. They’re everywhere and if you’re in sales, your job is to spot them and avoid them. Selling is a tough profession where you are responsible for getting and staying motivated, despite the setbacks. Energy vampires make your work that much harder. Avoid them, and your work gets easier because they are distracting.
5. I’m going to try something new. Even salespeople who always make their goals should try new things. Why? What you’re doing now may not be the best way to accomplish your objectives. It’s also boring to do the same things over and over again. If you’ve always networked, try prospecting another way. If you’ve always opened the sales call with one question, try a new one. Never asked for a referral? Try asking. Who knows? The new idea may produce results that were beyond your expectations.
If you’ve made New Year’s resolutions to start eating salad with tofu and banish the cookies, add these suggestions to your list. If you haven’t thought about your diet, you’ll still want some accomplishments to celebrate this year. With these resolutions, it will be even better than dessert when you achieve great sales results. Best wishes for your successful selling new year.
Action Items
1. Pick one idea from the list above or add one of your choosing and write down what you will do this year.
2. Think about what were obstacles last year. Write down what you will do to remove them.
Selling Tip
From Maura’s ebook: 97 Ways to Sell More Now E-Book
Tip 41. What products can you add on when a customer buys a product? Think McDonalds and ?Would you like French fries with that?’ Your products have natural add-ons too. Remember to ask.
Looking for new strategies to improve your persuasion skills? This easy to apply Audio CD will give you many new ideas to easily improve your persuasion skills so you can sell more and close business faster.
I’m always looking for success stories and other tips from sales professionals. Please feel free to email me at with ideas that have worked for you.
If you want to build customer relationships for long-term business, you can easily do it using Exacttarget ( and their CANSPAM compliant broadcast services.
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Articles from this newsletter may be used in your free publications or posted on your web when given the following credit:
Written by Maura Schreier-Fleming, Best@Selling ( Maura works with business and sales professionals who want to sell more and be more productive at work. She is the author of Real-World Selling for Out-of-this-World Results.
For free articles, selling ideas and morale boosters
About Maura Schreier-Fleming
Invite Maura to speak at your next conference or sales meeting! Contact:
Maura Schreier-Fleming works with business and sales professionals to make it easier to sell more and be more productive at work. Her Best@Selling clients want to create long-term client relationships. They include Fujitsu, Fannie Mae and Dr Pepper/7UP. She has an M.S. in Textile Engineering from Georgia Tech and was Mobil Oil’s first female lubrication engineer in the U.S. With over 20 years of sales experience, she teaches the art and science of selling with a unique hands-on perspective and a great deal of real-life insight. She is the author of Real-World Selling for Out-of-this-World Results (a book filled with ideas to make selling easier and more productive. Her business column ‘Selling Strategies’ appears in the Insurance Record magazine and her column ‘Street Talk’ appears in Jobbers World. You can contact her for seminars at company or trade association meetings at 972 380 0200 or
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Contact Information
1. Our Web site:
2. E-mail:
3. Call: In Dallas 972 380 0200
4. Write us:
6757 Arapaho Rd., Suite 711-183
Dallas, TX 752448
(c) Copyright 2006 Maura Schreier-Fleming. All rights reserved
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