“I wouldn’t admit it if I did.”
………………………- Jack Welch
For Salespeople…
Jack Welch was asked if he knew any HP board members personally. You may remember that the HP board did a terrible job of ensuring a smooth CEO succession after Mark Hurd left. Welch believes that one of the primary jobs of a board is to prepare the next generation of leadership. Welch was very critical of the job that HP did. He replied, “I wouldn’t admit it if I did.” Holiday parties are underway. Be mindful of your behavior at these parties. Don’t drink alcohol if you can’t control yourself. Also, try to mingle with everyone, but stay away from any office chronic complainers and other toxic people. You will be judged by the people you socialize with. Just like Jack, you don’t want to associate with people you’ll later have to admit you know.
I’m now writing The Real Deal, a column on women in business for Hope you’ll read more ideas so you can achieve your success in business.
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Joy To The World? How About Joy to Me?
It’s that time of year. You’re filled with joy and delight—or Scrooge-like feelings from being overloaded and worn out. If it’s the latter, you might be surprised at what you can do to add more joy to your life. Recent research about happiness is just what you need to know about so you can get past this season’s challenges and the challenges that sales professionals face all during the year.
It’s not what you know, but who you know that counts. Recent research shows that social relationships that predict human happiness are even more powerful than was previously realized. BMJ, a British Medical Journal, recently published the findings from a new study which proposed that happiness is transmitted through social networks. The study asked 4,739 participants from the famous Framingham Heart Study to complete a survey about happiness in their lives. Because the participants included information about their social contacts, the researchers were able to map the connections of happy people. The study found that happy people form clusters and the happiest people are those most centrally located in the clusters.
What they found was that people who are surrounded by happy people are more likely to be happy themselves. What was surprising was that it’s not only people in their immediate circles who become happier—it’s the people surrounding the people that they knew who also become affected.
The findings on happiness are good news for salespeople. Being happy produces a protective effect on the immune system so you produce fewer stress hormones. Happy people also tend to be more creative and productive. Creative thinking and productivity are competitive advantages for salespeople. Being happy and having a positive attitude is another real advantage to a sales professional as you meet prospects.
Be grateful. While you’re noticing your friends and seeing who’s happy, you might also take a look at yourself and another feeling. Gratitude, practiced daily, will strengthen your immune system and help you approach life with greater optimism. Optimism is one of the predictors of success in sales.
You may find it difficult to realize what you are grateful for in this challenging economy. To reach some conclusions, you have to look at your life with a different perspective. Blair Justice, Ph.D., professor-emeritus of psychology at the University of Texas School of Public Health at Houston, discovers his gratitude by asking himself three questions at the end of every day. The questions are 1) What has surprised me? 2) What has touched me? and 3)What has inspired me? These questions force you to see your life differently and uncover sources of gratitude.
Even with a challenging economy, everyone has something for which to be grateful. You’ve either met your goals or not—and there’s not much more you can do about that now. Surround yourself with happy people and celebrate the end of your selling year. You could be grateful and happy with that.
Action Items
1. Have some fun this holiday season!
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::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DID YOU KNOW?
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Monday Morning Sales Tips : A book that has quick ideas for you to be more successful in sales. Real-World Selling: A book with selling skills and strategies that work in the real world of sales. Secrets of Persuasion: Audio CD for the clues to use to speed-read people and close more business.