The Selling Newsletter
The Selling Newsletter
from Best@Selling
A free monthly newsletter of ideas to help make your selling easier.
Selling is the easiest job in the world…Just ask anyone who is NOT in sales! Best wishes for YOUR successful selling—Maura
This issue contains:
-The Selling Quote for the Month
-Upcoming Programs
-The Selling Ideas for the Month
-Action Items
-Selling Tips
-To Subscribe to the Selling Newsletter
-Need an article for your newsletter?
-About Maura Schreier-Fleming
-Contact Information
The Selling Quote for the Month
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Mark Twain
As the year ends, perhaps you are thinking about your new year resolutions. I hope you are thinking big. What would you like to do differently next year? What would you like to accomplish both in sales and in other parts of your life? As the holiday season approaches, surround yourself with people who will help you realize your dreams. It’s the time of year for hope. With other people believing in you, you’ll be more likely to actually turn that hope into a reality and achieve your goals. Best wishes for a happy and healthy new year.
Upcoming Programs
When : Tuesday, January 10
Where: Philadelphia, PA
What: Secrets of Persuasion
Professional Convention Management Association
For more information:
When : Monday, January 23-24
Where: Charlotte, NC
What: Meeting Professionals International
Secrets of Persuasion
Consultative Selling: Strategic Questioning
For more information:
The Selling Ideas for this Month
Dear Maura
If you have questions about your life, you can ask Ann Landers. If you have questions about selling, you can ask Maura.
Dear Maura:
A client of mine referred me to a prospect. I have been trying to call this prospect for 4 months. I have been following your advice about leaving a compelling message. I mention the person who referred me. I have gotten no response. About a month ago I asked the receptionist if there was someone else I could contact. I was told that the person I am trying to reach is the one I should be speaking with. I’m having no luck making contact. Should I give up?
Telephone Trouble in Texas
Dear Texas: I have faced the same situation. First, I’ll recommend something to avoid doing. I faced this sales dilemma after a face-to-face meeting with a prospect from a major corporation. We had a successful meeting with next steps outlined and a request for me to follow up at a specific day. I followed up as promised and left a voicemail. I kept following up and to this day have not gotten a return phone call. In frustration, I called the prospect’s manager and asked about the proposed project. I was referred to Mr. No Response. I asked, “Does he return phone calls?” I’m sure it resulted in Mr. No Repose getting some words from his manager. It also resulted in my never getting a return call.
In your case, you can first go back to the person who referred you and ask for some assistance. Talk about why you should get the return call to increase the probability of getting a response. If you want to do business with this customer you have to continue trying. You will eventually get through. You must make the decision if it’s worth your time. And when you get through, make no comments about how many times you’ve tried. People are busy and you don’t want to embarrass them. Just be prepared to begin your sales dialogue. As luck might have it, if you expect the recording that will be when you get to speak with a live human being. Good luck.
Dear Maura:
I make joint sales calls with my manager. When a customer asks a question his answer is never a response to that question. You can see my customers are uncomfortable when the answers make no sense to them. Furthermore, he starts telling the prospect what it is we do without first learning about the company’s issues. I’m caught between avoiding sales calls with him and not getting the value his presence as a manager creates for some prospects. What can I do?
Working for an Unmanaged Manager
Dear Working: When you plan your sales calls with your manager begin with a sales call to your manager. You’ve got to explain to him the objectives you want to accomplish and very specifically how you want them accomplished. You need to control the sales call by starting out with the introductions. Then tell your prospect why you brought your manager along. Be specific about that so your customer knows to ask you questions instead of your boss. You could say, “I wanted my manager to meet you so that he could learn more about your business and how our services can increase your productivity.” Then you immediately ask the sales questions you have planned to start the sales call discussion. Make sure you and your manager have a game plan outlined before the call. Include who will answer questions. Make sure you offer and get agreement to cover the areas you know him to be weak in. You can coach him on the questions you expect and how you’d like him to respond. Perhaps your boss is unable to handle the spontaneity of selling. This scripting will deescalate his nervousness and poor listening which results. If despite your coaching the problem persists, just hope your manager is on the mailing list for upcoming listening seminars. He’d be a hot prospect.
Action Items
1. Have you given up on contacting a good prospect? Start again by retracing your steps. Did someone refer you to the prospect? If so, enlist their help and ask them to call your prospect for you and find a time for you to call.
2. Are you making joint sales calls soon? If so, whether it’s your manager or another business associate, make sure you’ve outlined the call objective and their role in the sales call before the meeting.
Selling Tip
From Maura’s ebook: 97 Ways to Sell More Now E-Book
Tip 23. Design a trial offer that you could suggest to a prospect if a larger purchase is too risky.
I’m always looking for success stories and other tips from sales professionals. Please feel free to email me at with ideas that have worked for you.
If you want to build customer relationships for long-term business, you can easily do it using Exacttarget ( and their CANSPAM compliant broadcast services.
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Need an Article for Your Newsletter?
Articles from this newsletter may be used in your free publications or posted on your web when given the following credit:
Written by Maura Schreier-Fleming, Best@Selling ( Maura works with business and sales professionals who want to sell more and be more productive at work. She is the author of Real-World Selling for Out-of-this-World Results.
For free articles, selling ideas and morale boosters
About Maura Schreier-Fleming
Invite Maura to speak at your next conference or sales meeting! Contact:
Maura Schreier-Fleming works with business and sales professionals to make it easier to sell more and be more productive at work. Her Best@Selling clients want to create long-term client relationships. They include Fujitsu, Fannie Mae and Dr Pepper/7UP. She has an M.S. in Textile Engineering from Georgia Tech and was Mobil Oil’s first female lubrication engineer in the U.S. With over 20 years of sales experience, she teaches the art and science of selling with a unique hands-on perspective and a great deal of real-life insight. She is the author of Real-World Selling for Out-of-this-World Results (a book filled with ideas to make selling easier and more productive. Her business column ‘Selling Strategies’ appears in the Insurance Record magazine and her column ‘Street Talk’ appears in Jobbers World. You can contact her for seminars at company or trade association meetings at 972 380 0200 or
Privacy: At Best@Selling we take privacy issues very seriously. Your information remains with us and will never be sold, shared, or distributed in any manner, for any reason.
Contact Information
1. Our Web site:
2. E-mail:
3. Call: In Dallas 972 380 0200
4. Write us:
6757 Arapaho Rd., Suite 711-183
Dallas, TX 752448
(c) Copyright 2005 Maura Schreier-Fleming. All rights reserved
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