Have you made any new year’s resolutions? Why not start the new year off with some sales resolutions of what you’re not going to do? You just might have a better chance of keeping them if you do. Here are a few ideas to consider. I am not going to present a solution without a quantified problem. Do you want to avoid losing a sale? Now is the time to think about what you can … [Read more...]
A Holiday Gift for You
It's the holidays. You may be frantically shopping to find the perfect gift for family and friends. That's what most people are doing this time of year. But what gift are you going to give yourself? You must give yourself a gift. Let me help you choose one. Why me? You may be thinking I don't need a gift. But of course you do. Sales is a unique and challenging profession. … [Read more...]
Who are your sales supporters? Celebrate them too.
You may have seen the recent blogpost where I suggested you bring some joy into your life so you can sell more. One of the ways to bring joy in your life is to surround yourself with your sales supporters especially when your selling turns our differently than you plan. (Translation: When a customer makes a huge mistake and doesn't pick you to buy from and picks your … [Read more...]
Influence & Sales Motivation: May 2014
THE MONTHLY SELLING NEWSLETTER WITH IDEAS TO SELL MORE NOW May 2014 The Selling Quote for the Month “That which proves too much, proves nothing!" -German Proverb For Salespeople... Think about a recent sales call. Did you only talk glowingly about your products and services? I’ll bet that if you only talk about what’s wonderful that you’re not selling as much as you … [Read more...]