Your session "The Secrets of Persuasion:: Techniques for Increasing Sales" received an "Excellent/Very Good rating for meeting their interest, needs and expectations. You received an "Excellent" rating for your knowledge of the subject matter and for your delivery and style of presentation.
-Sue Kalish
Executive Director Hearth Patio and Barbeque Education Foundation
Time: 1 -1 1/2 hour, 3 hours, or 1 day format Seminar
Have you noticed that some people are easy to work with and others are much more difficult? You can make it easier to work with others when you understand the secrets of persuasion. This presentation includes the clues to use so you can develop and succeed at your persuasion strategies with clients, co-workers, and managers. When you understand persuasion you will work more effectively with others. You will increase your job satisfaction and reduce stress when you learn the secrets of persuasion.
Goals: To increase productivity by learning how to create rapport and understand different personality styles. You will learn to plan and execute sales strategies that meet your customers’ style needs.
Results: Participants learn to identify different behavioral styles in the workplace. They know how to modify their behavior to improve their productivity and reduce stress with other styles.
Participants: Sales personnel, customer service personnel, and management personnel
Course Content
- Fundamentals of Persuasion
Significance of rapport
How persuasion relates to rapport
Dimensions of behavior
Four behavior styles - Understanding the Four Personality Styles
Buyer Needs
Buyer Expectations
Strengths and Weaknesses - Applying Personality Styles at Work
Identifying styles by observing behavior
Persuasion strategies for each style
Self Assessment - Understanding Personality Style Changes
Styles Under Stress
Flexibility strategies
Posted in: Skills Development Seminars