How to ask the questions that guide your customer to understand there is a need for your products and services and he should buy now
Time: 1-1/2 hour, 3 hours, or 1 day format
Seminar Description: Successful salespeople have the ability to know what to ask their customers in a way that produces valuable selling information. Consultative Selling gives you the skills to gather information that is essential to sell. You will learn the process to uncover your prospects’ or customers’ needs and buying strategy. You will learn to present your product or service so that your customer wants to buy.
Goals: To teach salespeople how to gather information skillfully and uncover their prospects’ and customers’ needs and buying strategy.
Results: Participants learn an effective strategy for questioning to gather useful selling information.
Participants: Sales personnel and management personnel
Course Content
The Consultative Selling Process: Steps A, B, C, D
A: About
You must learn about your customer’s business before the sales call -
B: Bad
Find out what’s bad. Customers need us when they have problems. -
C: Consequences
To provide momentum for buying, the consequences of doing nothing need to be identified. -
D: Desire
If customers want the solution, this will add to the buying momentum. -
Implementing the Consultative Selling Process
Pre-call planning: Objective and outcome
Opening question
Identifying Problems
Strategic Questions: Features and Benefits
Characteristics of skillful questioning -
Questioning Application
Differentiating questions: Economic, User, and Technical Buyers
Learning the techniques of skillful questioning
Characteristics of skillful questioning
Vocal qualities
Strategies for questioning to maintain rapport
Asking difficult questions
Using questions to decrease the sales cycle
Obtaining testimonials
Determining buyer’s purchasing strategy
Asking the Unspoken Questions
Vulnerability analysis
Posted in: Skills Development Seminars